_____________________________________________________________________ | | | ADRIFT version 4.0 | | Adventure Development & Runner - Interactive Fiction Toolkit | | İ Campbell Wild 1998-2005 | | All Rights Reserved | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | RELEASE NOTES | | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ These release notes contain information about any changes and/or bug fixes to versions of ADRIFT _____________________________ ( Release 46 ) 14/04/2005 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Objects worn no longer take up 'hand space' Bug Fixes ========= o 'turns' variable updated properly when waiting o Is Visible task restriction works properly o Putting and getting objects has less confusion with aliases o Taking items checks size and weight o Selecting 'Cancel' on Module Import doesn't crash Generator o Variable replacements are made in Room Summary o Objects put into others don't take up space o Player name stored in TAS files o Player name prompt can be cancelled o Text expressions retain spaces in string constants o Modules: - LOWTASK imports properly - Character Walks where character comes across character and objects now imports and exports properly - Object Weight and Size import and export - Object secondary description and task restriction import and export - Object container count imports and exports - Object container keys import properly - Object Battle System variables import and export o MORE button resizes if main window resized o "put down" now works o Object Battle System variables initialised if not used o Caption 'Weight::' corrected in Debugger _____________________________ ( Release 45 ) 05/10/2004 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Modules: - Added shortcut keys to menus - 'It' not assigned if object name has "<" or "#" characters in it - ' can also be used as a field delimiter in expressions Bug Fixes ========= o Map doesn't pop up if disabled o [More] button doesn't appear on first turn unintentionally o Modules: - Tabs ignored as whitespace - Objects imported correctly in room movement restrictions - States of objects in restrictions set properly - Restrictions of objects visible to characters works - Size of modules not limited - Expressions containing quotes can export o Generator doesn't crash when deleting objects if room filtering is on o Inserting, deleting and moving tasks no longer corrupts tasks in Characters:Battles o Duplicating and rearranging tasks no longer corrupts tasks in event pausing/ resuming o Start task in Events defaults to disabled unless selected _____________________________ ( Release 44 ) 09/07/2004 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o ALR text replacements fully recursive o tag on duplicated tasks only displayed, not added to command o 'lay' added as synonym for 'lie' o Debugger option to disable ALR substitution Bug Fixes ========= o Opening game with embedded files in generator when Embed option off works properly o Turns variable updates properly o Doesn't incorrectly reference ambiguous objects not yet seen when taking o Referenced Object prioritises objects visible to player if multiple options o Object moving works within events starting immedidately o ALR and variables replacements made after each task execution o Formatting of text using
tags corrected o Object states don't always display in lower case o Correct objects referenced locking and unlocking objects o Modules: - import and export object states in restrictions properly - pause and resume tasks set correctly when importing events - move objects in actions should work correctly for first object in list - object states correct in task actions o Tasks that reduce stamina cause characters to die if stamina reaches zero o Clearing screen during [MORE] doesn't end up in loop o Players walking to hidden displays movement if selected o Cancelling selections for battle values doesn't reset them to zero o Prevented recursive ALRs running away o Duplicate End of Game messages removed o Get All overrides properly _____________________________ ( Release 43 ) 14/12/2003 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Inserting and Duplicating tasks now works for sorted lists o Duplicated tasks marked as o Tasks filter now filters out tasks completeable in all rooms o Tasks list can be sorted by dragging and dropping items o Promote and Relegate buttons for character walks Bug Fixes ========= o Registration info in Runner About box not scrambled o Removing objects updates tasks with actions to move characters onto objects properly o Removed incorrect ambiguity message when taking same objects from another o 'Message if task tried again' displays when due rather than task run o Esc button cancels Events window o Deleting tasks when task filter on doesn't crash Generator o No message saying can't see object when two objects are mentioned without verbs o Can't put object in/on object can be overridden by restriction messages o Restrictions that variables must be equal to other variables doesn't crash Generator when editing tasks o Examining non-existant objects doesn't count as a turn o File dialog box set to current directory of last file opened in Generator o X of X displayed in lists when filtering on if item edited o Adding a blank walk doesn't remove the last valid walk o 'put/drop all' allowed to override system command o Additional period not added to Player description if doesn't end in "." o Character routines work if player types system command o Examining character not in room works in First person perspective o Hitting object in room takes precedence over character not in room o Duplicating/Inserting tasks now works when filtered o Try again message displayed properly for reversible tasks o Characters refusing to give objects have capital letter in name o Default response for trying to eat non-existant objects o Importing lines with spaces in ALR doesn't cause errors saving TAF files _____________________________ ( Release 42 ) 07/10/2003 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Control Panel collapses and expands to correct size if window bars non-standard o 'Get all' doesn't try to take objects from within others if not explicit o 'empty' on it's own doesn't crash Runner o 'I are' grammar error corrected when nothing to drop in 1st Person o Control Panel doesn't crash Runner when movement restrictions are based on object state o Deleting objects updates Player starting object correctly o Modules: - Move all held objects to Hidden now imports o Events not running problem sorted when tasks run o No assumption to take objects before putting if task overrides o Task failing restrictions override putting and dropping o Removed redundant output when task overrides put if object not understood o Put command requires reference to an object to put it on o Incomplete Put command doesn't crash Runner o Removed ambiguity comments when not required o 'Message if task tried again' overwrites general tasks o Tasks can override dropping when the object is static o Response for taking static objects reverted to what it used to be o Cannot hit with static objects o Better ambiguity handling for default responses o Proper output when trying to take objects worn by characters o Shortcut to change colour changed from Ctrl-C to Ctrl-A in NBTW o Hidden routes on map properly hidden if map background coloured o Versioning information stored properly in TAS files o Restriction that variables must be compared to other variables now ok o Removed ambiguity issues when opening/closing objects o 'It' passed including prefixes, not just object name o 'put all on X' now works o Must have an object defined if you select start position in or on another o Tab selects between Male & Female at prompt o Spellchecking on task restriction box o Static object locations properly reset between TAS restorations _____________________________ ( Release 41 ) 26/06/2003 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Can now open adventures after cancelling dictionary load or even during load o 'Get all' doesn't display taking objects from other objects o ESC key cancels Events window o 'Get all' doesn't inadventently run 'get %object%' tasks o Drop tasks can be overridden even if not holding object in question o Get can be overridden by actual task commands, not generated ones o Object states being assigned properly when object is lockable o Alternate views correct for states when have lockable objects o Multiple command inputs can be repeated with 'again' o Position of static objects properly saved in TAS files - backwards compatability retained o Whitespace lines ignored in ALR files o Question in command doesn't assign it as a system command o Drop A and B doesn't complain about ambiguity o Drop all responds correctly when wearing objects but carrying nothing o 'Message if task repeated' text overrules examining characters o Proper response when trying to take static objects o Modules: - Object states exported properly in alternate descriptions - Event object movements exported correctly - Task restrictions for variables export correctly - Can now import alternate descriptions with object states - Objects export key info when key is first object - Can import Death Tasks for characters - Automatically puts Battle System on if importing battle modules _____________________________ ( Release 40 ) 16/06/2003 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Changed prompt arrow o Dictionary loading can be cancelled by clicking on the splash screen o Slight change to settings window o Filename displayed in Generator titlebar Bug Fixes ========= o No Error 9 when typing "get" or "drop" o Trying to drop a non-existant object responds properly o Cannot take objects from characters without tasks o Changing object states resets option in alternate views in rooms o Deleting state doesn't disable OK button if still valid o Objects not ambiguous when an object matches on both alias and name vs just one o Spaces not allowed at start or end of object name o Closed objects inside others can now be retrieved o Dropping can be properly overridden by tasks again o Complete wildcard tasks can override standard get/drop output _____________________________ ( Release 39 ) 28/04/2003 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Adventures with no characters no longer freeze Runner _____________________________ ( Release 38 ) 27/04/2003 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Examining static objects with same name as others in game now works again o Tasks overriding 'put X on Y' where Y isn't a surface doesn't display extra error message o Dropping wielded objects returns hands as weapon o Removed 'Subscript out of range' error if no objects have been defined o Held size & weight, character walk positions and text vars undone by undo o Correct pictures/sounds displayed/played when file used more than once in game o Adding events increments the counter at the bottom of the events list o More error messages don't use up a 'turn' when they shouldn't be _____________________________ ( Release 37 ) 22/04/2003 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Paused text now neater with button Bug Fixes ========= o Text length in conversation replies not capped o Saving games without Write Access doesn't crash Generator o Clicking on a room in an alphabetically sorted list filters properly o Generator Doesn't crash if searching for an item that has been filtered out o Detects " as start of a word if clicking in Runner o Improved generic response to turn on/off o Removed "Error retrieving stored information - Overflow" messages in Runner o Referring to objects with the same name but different prefixes doesn't crash Runner o TAS files save text variables o Better ambiguity handling o Getting multiple objects when some are task overridden outputs correctly o Prevented error 380 opening Module window o Only first 'else display' message displayed for task restrictions o Deleting objects doesn't mess up defined keys o Changing lockable status of objects doesn't upset task restrictions/actions _____________________________ ( Release 36 ) 01/10/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Auto-filtering built into Generator lists, based on selected room o NBTW now supports tabs o Default graphic in Runner updated Bug Fixes ========= o Prevented Error '9' when opening tasks o Expressions can use %player% o Conversation subject and reply lists, and synonym lists properly in sync with each other o Undo command pauses events for that turn o Verbose defaults to 'True' o Modules: - Character battles correctly output "Every three turns" - Pause and Resume tasks being "Not Complete" now imports properly o Restrictions on variables to variables work properly with multiple types in TAF _____________________________ ( Release 35 ) 26/09/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Added system variable %room% to return the current roomname Bug Fixes ========= o Quicker opening TAFs in Generator o Correct sounds played when multiple defined o Other task restrictions can override standard response if an earlier restriction message was blank o Tasks overridding putting objects on others doesn't fall through to standard command _____________________________ ( Release 34 ) 24/09/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Edit mode built into Runner Bug Fixes ========= o "Take off" now works for removing clothing o %turns% increments properly when waiting o Deleting objects doesn't corrupt actions which move objects into or onto objects o Restriction failure messages display for tasks executed by another task o Correct restriction failure message displayed when task fails o References with multiple commands in task still work o Proper error messages when taking or dropping fails for known objects o Failure messages displayed when task fails to overwrite standard get o Runner doesn't crash when more ambiguous characters than objects in game o Character in same room as character restriction doesn't fire if room is Hidden o Object visible to character restriction doesn't fire if room is Hidden o Objects are marked as seen if an event moves them to the same room as Player on event termination o Ambiguity improved - message doesn't overwrite taking objects from others - scope taken more into consideration - prefixes taken more into consideration o ALRs applied properly when waiting o Shift-0 and Shift-9 don't crash Runner when focus on map o Wildcards match better - don't pass certain commands incorrectly o Repeated end game messages removed o Correct variable names shown in restrictions box when both text and int exist o TAS files save position of static objects moved by events o Better message returned when hands are full and try to take object from another o Multiple messages not returned when hands are full and take multiple objects from another o "Too heavy" message displayed if applicable when taking objects _____________________________ ( Release 33 ) 14/09/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o ALRs can now display variable values in their output Bug Fixes ========= o Allowed "no" to be typed when using auto complete o Non-repeatable tasks will only show "if tried again" messages if restrictions are met o "Out of Stack error" errors caught for recursive tasks o Opening and Saving games doesn't use up a system turn o Weight and Bulk correctly adjusted when eating objects o Removed error opening adventure if debugger selected on a higher menu item than available in new adventure o Conversations should respond properly when asking characters about other characters o Get/Put overriding works for objects with capital letters o Examining a character not in the room display's a more sensible reply if seen o Modules: - Restrictions involving text variables output correctly - Can now move Player or characters to same room as Player or characters o Disabled typing whilst text is displaying o Events execute properly when waiting o Tasks overriding taking multiple explicit objects now works properly o Objects are marked as seen if an event moves them to the same room as Player on event start o Duplicate messages removed when tasks override standard "get" o Deleting variables removes correct restrictions in tasks o Deleting rooms updates "then show description" entry in tasks correctly o Deleting objects updates actions moving onto or in that object correctly _____________________________ ( Release 32 ) 27/08/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Task command function added: "# %object% = getdynfromroom()" This assigns the Referenced Object with the first dynamic object found in room Bug Fixes ========= o Error '6' removed o Advanced commands containing references don't match unintentionally o Objects marked as seen if moved to held by character if same room as Player o Task restrictions don't sometimes not kick in o Complex restrictions work properly using references other than object & char o Debugger no longer assigns objects to a parent o Alsohere object texts not wiped upon game restore o Tasks with no output can override taking one object from another o Character meetings start correct task o Events can only increment once per turn o Cannot crash Runner by typing input whilst TAF is loading o Tasks can override getting object from another if the object isn't actually in another o Character walks are saved properly in TAS files (NB. This may make current TAS files incompatible) o Taking and Dropping objects is much quicker _____________________________ ( Release 31 ) 23/08/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Error '5' removed o Events started by tasks run properly o Room names default to 'on' in descriptions o Runner doesn't crash when using the word "except" o Character meetings which start tasks start exact task, not by sending command _____________________________ ( Release 30 ) 22/08/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Carriage returns are converted to
when pasted into text boxes Bug Fixes ========= o (test & test) now works properly without extra parenthesis around the tests o Task commands containing { and } now work with references o Inserting a task above one with brackets doesn't crash Generator o Fixed more '380' errors linking rooms back to others o Character battles are not displayed on screen if not in same room as Player o Tasks with no output can override "ask about " properly o Incomplete tasks "get from" and "put on" don't crash Runner o Object weight consistent when objects inside or on other objects o Can no longer put two objects inside/on each other at the same time o Modules: - Roomgroups export properly if no rooms selected in group - Character walks to roomgroups imports correctly o Words correctly matched when a partial word the same before it fails o Correct restriction error message displayed for more complex logic o Output not messed up when "get all" can't take all as too heavy/bulky o Graphics and Sounds can now be attached to alternate descriptions _____________________________ ( Release 29 ) 03/08/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Improved TADS source file output (still a long way to go!) Bug Fixes ========= o Brackets not required around (A+B)=C if used as a test in expressions o "it" not inadvertently changed by tasks started by events o Pressing Enter twice on adding first item in lists won't crash Generator o More information on Runner adventure load errors o Saving and restoring games now works properly (Oops!) o Actions can now change Stamina properly o Modules: - Can import Very Heavy as Player option without Generator crashing - Importing references to non-existant tasks doesn't crash Generator - Can import changing variables to referenced text - Importing string expressions now works - Selected task in room alternate descriptions now correct when importing o Events will run if starter task is started from another task o Error 380 when linking rooms back to others now fixed o Synonyms now work correctly for single commands o Quotes removed from TAS filenames when saved in Runner o Added " as a word terminator when clicking in Runner screen o Objects moved by events marked as seen if in same room as Player _____________________________ ( Release 28 ) 25/07/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Added text functions: Len(text) - returns the length of Val(text) - converts text to a number (or zero if it can't match) Str(integer) - converts an integer value to text o Can now update earlier versions of Adventures with password protection without requiring registration Bug Fixes ========= o Fixed problem with particular registration keys not being recognised o Doesn't crash when linking certain room connection back to last room o Fixed reply when cannot pick object from other as hands full/too heavy o Ucase function now works properly o Functions names are now case insensitive o Object states now stored in TAS files (NB. This may corrupt current TAS files) _____________________________ ( Release 27 ) 23/06/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Added text functions: Ucase(text) or Upper(text) - converts to upper case Lcase(text) or Lower(text) - converts to lower case Pcase(text) or Proper(text) - converts to proper case (Capitalised) Left(text,length) - returns the leftmost characters of Right(text,length) - returns the rightmost characters of Mid(text,start,length) - returns characters of text, starting at Instr(text,search) - returns the position of within text text & text or text + text - appends strings together Bug Fixes ========= o Modules: Importing variable "greater than" restrictions works properly o When Roomlist sorted alphabetically, map updates correctly o Cancelling saving a game in Runner doesn't create blank .TAS file o Adding rooms doesn't corrupt movement to roomgroups o Objects marked as seen in initial room if on surfaces or in open objects o Taking objects from others updates player weight and bulk o Task restrictions based on object state not corrupted by changing states of other objects o now supports quotes around the Hex value _____________________________ ( Release 26 ) 11/06/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Auto-retrieval of new keys from Internet Bug Fixes ========= o Character messages and events run when objects mentioned but no action taken o Restrictions with state of object work properly o Multiple tasks executed in one command with different references display properly o "get/drop all" won't execute standard get/drop over tasks with failures o Taking improved when multiple container/surface objects with same name o Take/drop tasks with no output text fall through to standard command _____________________________ ( Release 25 ) 04/06/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Verification required when an object is put inside something which has too small a capacity to hold it within Generator Bug Fixes ========= o Pasting into NBTF works for all text o Better initialisation when opening new games o Fixed problems with certain Registration names o Improved ambiguity handling of objects _____________________________ ( Release 24 ) 29/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Deleting items from alphabetically sorted lists removes correct items o Objects which are part of Player/Characters can be located o "?" added as a word terminator o Removed exit message when Character following Player if Player doesn't move o Move Player/Character to room action doesn't corrupt when removing rooms o Object location box in debugger doesn't require double click to change o Added to Modules: - Objects can explicitly be hidden or displayed in room descriptions - Can move all held objects to Player/Characters - New descriptions for walks works for characters - Supports back to original description checkbox - Supports gender restrictions o Character names default to capitalised, but can be overridden o Character ambiguity resolved _____________________________ ( Release 23 ) 25/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Objects can have different descriptions when in inital room after dropped o Debugger window always stays on top of Main Runner window Bug Fixes ========= o Less confusion when taking object from objects with same names o System doesn't corrupt task restriction logic when removing restrictions o References work properly with Advanced Sentence Construction o Output text from subtasks is not cleared o First task output text box displayed before actions, second one after o Characters exits displayed when room not adjacent to Player's room o Modules: - Task restrictions for Player/characters (not) alone and not same room as others o Events started by tasks called by actions doesn't skip event counter _____________________________ ( Release 22 ) 21/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Task actions carried out before output text is displayed o Extra check on startup for existance of dictionary file o Dictionary not loaded when dictionary filename changed and not selected o Deleting objects doesn't change objects defined as keys o Changing objects between static & dynamic doesn't change defined keys o Bracket sequences automatically adjusted when restrictions are deleted when they are no longer applicable o "Out of Stack Space" error resolved o Modules: - Task commands can now contain quotes - Importing actions with variables that don't exist won't add action o Task messages take priority over character conversation _____________________________ ( Release 21 ) 16/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Notification if tries to play a non-existant file in Runner o Task if tried again doesn't set to "You have already done that." if left blank o If tasks fail and message is blank, it will fall through to first non-blank failure message o Members Area access should work all the time from Generator _____________________________ ( Release 20 ) 14/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Spacing added when task failure message displayed by event/task o Room movement restrictions (object states) don't clear when adding openable obs o Clicking on task dependencies when no task selected and no winning task doesn't crash Generator o Improved RTF to HTML conversion o Fixed particular "Input Past End of File" error loading adventures o All character aliases work with %character% o %object% and %character% can be used in the same command o Line editing improved in Runner command input box _____________________________ ( Release 19 ) 11/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Fixed overflow error when Modules Columns maxed out o Module fixes: - Object location set properly when worn or held by a character o Correct task dependencies shown when tasks sorted alphabetically o Runner doesn't crash if moving char to roomgroup from Hidden o Can only open and close dynamic objects if they are held o Restarting events don't display start text in all rooms o Task failure messages have higher priority than "ask" error message o Certain verbs must be first word in command (eg. "x", "ex") o Better parsing using multiple commands on same line (using "," "then", "and") o Can no longer take objects from inside others when they're not there o Removed "one" as a reference o Stopped error if debugger open and load a new adventure o Third person perspective uses input name and gender _____________________________ ( Release 18 ) 09/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Beta version dialog boxes removed o state_ now returns the state of an object Bug Fixes ========= o Referenced Number assigned properly o If "Only show for object's initial location" is selected with a blank text, the object is hidden in the room description o Dropping all BUT an object works correctly for task drop overrides o Password required when accessing debugger for protected games o Module fixes: - Can import initial descriptions for objects - Task action Move all worn objects imported properly - Object states in room movement set properly - Objects/Tasks/Events selected in all rooms stays consistent - Objects held by someone imports correctly o Event start text displayed for repeating events o Consistent text between adding and editing actions which change object state o Correct changes to actions & restrictions when changing object states o Generator doesn't crash if minimize Browser window o Option to copy restrictions between rooms when not creating links o Map doesn't flicker on if not selected when quitting Runner _____________________________ ( Release 17 ) 05/05/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Right-clicking on Battle slider bars allows you to specify values exactly o Changed ordering of Adventure menu in Generator o Added end option of "Kills the Player (silent)" o If tasks have no output text, they will execute their actions and fall through to continue being parsed as normal o Auto-checking for newer versions Bug Fixes ========= o Default responses with objects now references aliases > 1 o Runner doesn't fail to load games with pausing task index>255 o Moved text box in Battle task actions to correct place o Recent filelist not cleared in Generator when RHMC-Edit on Tafs o Open Read Only removed when opening saved games in Runner o Module fixes: added restriction: less than or equal to referenced number added action: change variable to referenced number and other variables fixed selected object when restriction moving between rooms variables in task restrictions and events set properly o Wandering characters (i.e. moving to roomgroup) can stay in current room if that room is in the roomgroup o Failure to get multiple objects out a closed object doesn't repeat message o Font colour not defined when using in NBTW and changing font size or face at the same time o Exporting as TADS source doesn't get "subscript out of range" error o Debugger correctly reports Open and Closed objects, and now Locked o Properly lists objects when taking or dropping object and overriding another with a task o Getting objects not disrupted by task failure messages unintentionally o Player description no longer truncated _____________________________ ( Release 16 ) 29/04/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o %text% set to command line input if command not understood o "empty" can be used as a synonym for "get all from" o "get/drop all" can now be explicitly overwritten using tasks o "Save/Restore " now works for saving and restoring games Bug Fixes ========= o Task tree doesn't crash when "No Objects" is a restriction o Can get objects referenced by aliases > 1 from other objects o tags removed when using NBTW o Made getting objects from others more stable o Completely rewritten taking objects from others, now with more advanced parsing o Prevented objects being put inside themselves o Fixed problem saving games if ".tas" not explicity given o Carried by no longer also means worn by for restrictions - tasks can be ANDed with wear restrictions to reproduce this o Moving Player to new room updates short description immediately if changed by alternate description o Dialog boxes default to correct selections upon opening o Reversible task commands don't overwrite forward commands _____________________________ ( Release 15 ) 23/04/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Added Options button to Toolbar o Typing comma in Runner deselects any selected text first Bug Fixes ========= o Updated web links to new addresses o Modules: Player added Alt description, player SAME and NOT SAME room as objects works o If "tried again" message for tasks is blank, it's not given a default o Reversible commands work if same command as forward command o "but" and "except" now work for get/drop all o Focus set on text input when image clicked on in Runner o Alternate description now works for when object not visible to Player o "it" properly set if multiple commands on same commandline o Containers default to holding 1 Normal object o Character movement defaults to "enters" and "exits" o Character alias box put into tab ordering o "Go faster stripe" added to task Actions box _____________________________ ( Release 14 ) 20/04/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Reversible tasks now work if not set to repeatable o Improved speed when using references o Runner doesn't crash when clicking on maps with "{" or "}" characters o Verification required when clearing ALRs o Removed "Take what?" comment when restriction failures override standard gets o Synonyms only convert whole words, not partials o Fixed a security problem converting earlier file versions o Sounds embedded in TAFs when converting earlier file versions _____________________________ ( Release 13 ) 16/04/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Non-repeating tasks not repeatable if executed by another task (R12 bug) o Introduction and Winning text added to Modules _____________________________ ( Release 12 ) 15/04/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Removed flicker when closing About window in Runner o Characters move if looping not specified o Runner doesn't crash if character walk over 255 turns long o "Message if tried again" now displays if non-repeating task tried again o Removed 'Overflow' error when deleting adventure parts referenced in task restrictions o Added DEL shortcut in Advanced window, and double-click edit for synonyms o Improved handling of ambiguous objects, particularly regarding aliases o Fixed problem duplicating embedded files when not on original machine _____________________________ ( Release 11 ) 07/04/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Dependencies button uses highlighted task if no winning tasks defined Bug Fixes ========= o Taking objects with the same name doesn't incorrectly take multiples o Cancelling importing a module doesn't complain not an AMF file o Able to edit object & character aliases properly, and no duplication o Restarting adventure always restarts correct one (skewed from picklist) o Better tidying up routines o Looping sounds stay looped and duplicate sound files not created o Improved justification of status command (not yet perfect) _____________________________ ( Release 10 ) 29/03/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o "Number of" text removed if list window too small o Graphics Preview window in Generator Bug Fixes ========= o Importing Modules with lots of errors doesn't crash Generator o Subscript out of range problem sorted when deleting items o Modules: Text variables export properly Room movement dependant of object state exports properly Variables not equal to others added Movement can depend on object states Referenced characters in restrictions now import o If All Rooms selected in Objects and Tasks, new rooms added automatically o Open/closed/locked works correctly for alternate room descriptions o Clicking New initialises the saved game, so won't save over the previous file o Status displays weapon attributes only if wielding o Wielding added to auto-complete feature o Negative values allowed for armour or weapons o Changing character attributes actions save and restore properly (May cause problems with previous saved v4.0 files with these actions) o Generator doesn't crash when adding object or character aliases _____________________________ ( Release 9 ) 19/03/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Recently used filelist added to Runner menu o User definable layout, incorporating Map and Graphics in main window Bug Fixes ========= o HTML tags removed from Adventure title in About Adventure box o Can cancel saving a TAS without Runner crashing o Icons display correctly on map dependant on object state o Character walk not messed up if move to a roomgroup and new rooms added o "It" stays consistent if mentioned o Setting bgcolour to "default" now sets to correct colour o Information properly cleared when last item in list has been deleted o Character aliases taken into account when asking them questions o Cancelling Starting Transcript now doesn't create file o Duplicating tasks now duplicates correct task o Sort menu renamed from "Creation" to "Execution" for tasks _____________________________ ( Release 8 ) 14/03/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o When typing "restart", doesn't leave "Initialising game..." after introduction o Saving games works for Adventures with quotes in their titles o Modules export properly when changing state of object o Modules parse restrictions of character being in same room as another o Loading and saving v4 adventures works if no MediaPlayer installed o Definition tab selected if no name given to object o Defining an object to start as Locked when no key defined doesn't crash Generator o Referenced objects overriding system commands works properly o Cannot move static objects onto others o Tasks require at least one command and Events require a name o Correct tab displayed if not name given to Characters or Events o Stored Settings retrieved without problems o Main window lists appear when adding new items to them o Deleting or inserting tasks doesn't mess up order of tasks to execute from other tasks o Statusbar affected by ALRs o If object starts off worn, adding rooms won't affect this o Characters movement displayed when moving to/from off-cardinal directions _____________________________ ( Release 7 ) 10/03/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Pull down list to change between AND and OR in task restrictions o Added option in Settings to conserve memory for Windows 95, 98 and ME users Bug Fixes ========= o Removing "Extra Strong" character then clicking on bar doesn't crash Generator o List counts don't increase when cancelling adding a room/object etc o Restrictions tab selected if bracket sequence incorrect when adding a task o Hopefully less Out of Memory errors o NBTW active for hints o Standardised colour names with HTML o Task dependencies display from winning tasks o No error opening games with embeded files o Restriction text overriding system commands now works properly _____________________________ ( Release 6 ) 07/03/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Deleting last task doesn't crash Generator o Objects marked as seen if character uses it to attack and misses o NBTW puts end tags on html codes o Non-text formatting html tags work with NBTW o NBTW activated for task restriction else text o Advanced Object descriptions can contain commas o Inserting tasks doesn't duplicate inserted task o Task references in rooms not messed up when inserting a task o Object start state stored correctly in Modules o Battle Actions works with Modules o Export Module file select box has correct title o Cancelling doesn't crash Generator when exporting a module o Module not imported if Cancel selected in Module info display o Generator doesn't crash if Object and Character Alias boxes are changed o Tooltip for Object Aliases corrected _____________________________ ( Release 5 ) 03/03/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Deleting last entry in lists doesn't crash Generator o Pressing delete in lists when nothing selected doesn't crash Generator o No Parse Error if cancel importing a Module o Changing a text variable to a value correctly displays textbox o Battle attribute values correctly stored o Option to change Battle ranges from 0-100 to 0-1000 o Delete button disabled when nothing selected in object states list o Deleting object used as key doesn't mess up menus o Tooltip text fixed for character aliases o Non-listed objects marked as seen if in same room as player o Name capitalised when avoiding being attacked o Different font colours are displayed correctly o Character battle information works with Modules _____________________________ ( Release 4 ) 28/02/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o If a player moves into the same room as a character, char meets char tasks will execute if that particular walk is active o Clicking on Alternate Description tab in room asks whether to add new desc Bug Fixes ========= o Background tasks don't overwrite normal output text o Module coverage improved; Moving characters to rooms added to Modules Restriction & Actions for player sitting and lying on objects Expressions o Added all Battle options to actions, and enabled them _____________________________ ( Release 3 ) 24/02/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Selected sorts on lists preserved after application shutdown Bug Fixes ========= o Opening a 3.90 game with battle values > 100 doesn't crash Generator o Battle Option action values are saved properly o Menus in Room descriptions & movement sorted when deleting objects & tasks o Sorted menu items in rooms when changing attributes of objects o Removing Battle System removes battle task actions correctly o Battle system option appears correctly in task actions o "but" replacement fixed o Fixed problem when an object exists in all rooms _____________________________ ( Release 2 ) 17/02/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Fixes ========= o Correct sound and graphic displayed when character enter and leave o Tabbing order in Registration window sorted o Doesn't crash when opening a 3.90 game with sound or graphics o Fixed another problem registering application _____________________________ ( Release 1 ) 15/02/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Enhancements ============ o Added %obstate% which returns the state of the referenced object o Roomnames shown in bold when verbose and roomnames selected o "- No Description -" shown in alternate descriptions list if blank o Multiple ambiguity handling o Improved handling of putting objects in others Bug Fixes ========= o Else comment for task restrictions works properly again o States work with Modules o Fixed problem registering application _____________________________ ( Release 0 ) 13/02/2002 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Major Enhancements ================== o Can now play MP3s o TAF files are compressed to under half size of 3.90 files o Images and Sounds can be embedded in TAF files o Tasks can now set and unset other tasks o Text variables o Referenced Text o Parts of player/characters can be defined o Lockable objects o Movement can be restricted by status of objects o Adventure Browser, to group things in the same room o Graphics can be displayed in main game window [NB. This is memory hungry] o Characters can execute tasks if they come across other characters o Advanced task command construction [],/,{} o Multiple object aliases o Multiple character aliases o Initial descriptions for objects o Can use AND/OR with task restrictions o Unlimited changes to room description, and GUI overhaul o Room descriptions can depend on object status, and can have "else" part o Room short descriptions can be changed o Text editing window, with formatting buttons o Events will now execute exact tasks, rather than as tho typed by player [NB. This may alter program execution from v3.90] o Faster program execution o Preview window for Runner display options o Improved Battle system; * Added ranges to Stamina, Attack and Defense for more random battles * Added Accuracy and Agility * Can run tasks when stamina of characters gets low * Option for automatic replenishment of stamina o Random character movements (to one of a roomgroup) o Modules, allowing parts (or all) of an adventure to be extracted and imported into another adventure. They are also in text format for easy editing. o Objects can have unlimited states, which movement and tasks can rely on Minor Enhancements ================== o Merged Introduction and Winning windows o Dialog box to select sounds o now allowed (doesn't need the space) o Added expressions "a^b" (a to the power b), and "a mod b" (a modulus b) o Promote & Relegate option for Task Actions o Recent files list in Generator o Score change notification option o ALR clear function o Debugger can now move objects to rooms o Prompt to re-import ALR file if changed o Recursive objects not allowed o Duplicate variable names not allowed o Default name can be supplied when prompted o Movement restrictions copy option when adding links o Score not shown at end if maximum is zero o Characters can now be moved to the same room as the Player o Dynamic objects can be hidden, and static objects listed in room o Buttons added for Advanced features o Improved task command entering box interface o Unlimited commands per task o Third Person perspective o User defineable panelbar o Sortable data lists o Initially prompted to overwrite TAS file when saving adventures o "Nothing Special" message enhanced o Warning if no rooms selected for task completion o Auto routing will not move through unseen rooms o Background colour can be changed using o Better ambiguity handling Bug Fixes ========= o Clicking with both buttons on Filename in Runner doesn't make it crash o Fixed bug if no task specified when character finds object on walk o Doesn't crash if try to add more than 25 commands to task o ESC now cancels Options window o Doesn't crash if without o Can only "goto" a place if it has been seen o Clicking on map works properly for roomnames containing tags o Sounds stopped when new game is opened o Stopped introduction "growing" with blank lines o Can't move Player to Hidden o Highscore not shown if score not used in game o Doesn't fail to open game if selected "use own font" if none selected o Can determine objects better if same name with different prefixes o ALRs no longer change text typed by the user o Test conditions in expressions can now be bracketed o Character strength not taken into account when using a shooting weapon o Synonyms cleared properly when starting a new adventure